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Water and Sanitation Utilities Professionals Association (WASUPA)

IWSD is the secretariat for the Water and Sanitation Utilities Professionals Association (WASUPA). The recently established association is the first of its kind in Zimbabwe with a clear mission of regulating professional standards for Water, Waste water and solid waste management practitioners across the whole country through registration, monitoring and professional development. 

The WASUPA aims to pool expertise, codifying knowledge and experience into best practices and ability to solve basic problems within the sector. WASUPA aims to provide the “voice” for all water and waste plant operators working in Local authorities, ZINWA and the private sector.

Specifically the WASUPA has the following objectives:

• To provide a water and sanitation utilities professionals forum for developing members into successful professionals in water and sanitation utilities/institutions.

• To share information and learn from each other for the common good

• To provide an opportunity for education, training and skills enhancement to the members involved in the day to day operation and maintenance of water and sanitation utilities.

• To safeguard the interest of all water and sanitation utilities professionals

Membership and Registration

Are you a practicing professional in the Water and Sanitation Utilities (Plant operator)?
 Register here and become a member of this association. 


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